french version

European millstone quarries : a database


When grains were ground in mills, millers equipped their mechanisms with stones with specific grinding properties. These stones were extracted from specific sites : called millstone quarries . Both open air and subterranean, huge and minute, these millstone quarries are still found by the thousands in Europe in general - and in France in particular - and constitute a remarkable heritage associated with the history of work and daily life. consists of both an inventory of European millstone quarries and a source of related information. It is organised by the CNRS ( UMR 5190, Laboratoire de Recherche Historique Rhóne-Alpes ). The database can be consulted freely on-line and anybody with knowledge of unidentified sites is free to fill in an entry .



Copyright © 2006 Larhra| Alain Belmont| Meuliè, M.S.H. Alpes-BP 47-38040 Grenoble Cedex 9|
Les partenaires de Meuliè
Fédération  Des Moulins de France | Fédération française des Associations de sauvegarde des moulins | Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum | MSH-Alpes| Moleriae : La Ferté-sous-Jouarre | The International Molinological Society|